Our orthodontic nightmare, and its easy, natural solution
There is something about dental issues that has a unique ability to rattle me, especially when it comes to my children. Many parents of young children know the horror of seeing a new tooth pop up where it shouldn't, and experience the sinking feeling of knowing their child will need extensive orthodontic work -- much of it painful and all of it expensive! -- to correct the issues. This was my feeling when Hugo texted me a photo as I was in the hospital recovering from Figaro's birth this past May. Eeek! A nightmare worthy of Halloween!
Look closely for the adult tooth coming in BEHIND the baby teeth in the bottom row.
I immediately dialed my trusted dentist, Dr. Martha Cortes, who is the person I trust implicitly for all things dental-related. I wanted to know what she would do if this were her son. At Oliver's cleaning just four weeks prior (Oliver's age: 5.75), she had provided us with a "myomunchie," a special pliable silicone device to be worn and chewed by him twice a day to expand his palate. I was extremely doubtful that this simple therapy could work for such a disastrous situation, especially since time was of the essence: if Oliver's baby tooth didn't fall out soon an extraction would become necessary to prevent further issues.
Oliver's top teeth at this time--note the lack of extra space.
Dr. Cortes told me to take a deep breath and listen carefully. She didn't say "Try it and see." She didn't say "This is a disaster!" She told me unequivocally that the myomunchie would do the job. Given our limited means for exploring other alternatives (the Crozat approach looked good but so expensive!!) we decided to give it a try. Oliver commenced munching on the myomunchie twice a day for five minutes in conjunction with some very simple "facial aerobics" exercises he'd been assigned at the office. Very soon, the baby tooth fell out naturally and the badly misaligned adult tooth took its proper place. Now, five months later and, without being completely diligent about all of this, Oliver's palate has visibly widened. His already handsome face is even handsomer and we are completely amazed and delighted converts.
Oliver's teeth after 5 months of using the myomunchie.
This therapy is very reasonably priced and, depending on the severity of the issue, takes about 15-45 minutes a day. Families who would like to address more serious issues and/or reap the greatest benefits would do well to choose the monthly therapy sessions as well. Click here for a brief article on the myomunchie approach, which is quite new to the U.S., and contact Dr. Cortes's office for a free consultation (tell her I sent you!).
Please note that this therapy is recommended for children ages 3-6 as this is the time of greatest growth, though I've also seen the age range 4-8 recommended. It is also very important to supply key nutrients to support this rapid growth, particularly minerals and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Think bone broths, egg yolks, fish eggs, liver from pastured animals, small oily fish, raw dairy from grass-fed cows, and cod liver oil. (Oliver and Weston like the Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil/Butter Oil blend in Cinnamon Tingle.)